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5G Trends 2022

  Let's Enjoy To Spreed Of Technology 5G  "Elevate Your Experience Through Innovative Tech Products and Digital Transformation.” “Technology is a gift from God. After the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest gift from God. It is the mother of civilization, Arts and Sciences."

History of Electrical Fans

 Archaeologists first discovered what is believed to be the first traditional fan in the tomb of Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh King Tutankhamen. One fan found in the king's meal was made of ostrich feathers and another was made of gold-plated ebony and gemstones. Then after that, a few centuries later around the 1500s, Italy became the first country to produce fans. Fans at that time symbolized one's prosperity and also as a symbol of luxury and widely used by socialites or bourgeoisie. Until a few centuries later, fans became one of the trading commodities. In spain itself, the fan shifted its function as a tool to cool the hot Spanish air at that time and widely used in all circles in Spain. ( ) Electric fans are one of the most important inventions of electricity of all time, as electric fans are from the development of more modern electrical technology. The first...

Pembuatan Database menggunakan perintah inner join

  M enggabungkan 3 table dalam 1 database . yang berupa kolom( jdl_buku,pengarang,prodi,tanggal_lahir.) M enggabungkan 3 table dalam 1 database . yang berupa kolom( jdl_buku,pengarang,prodi,tanggal_lahir.)

Profil Prodi Ilkom Universitas Muhammadiyah Babel

Ilmu Komputer Ketua Program Studi : Sejarah ..... Visi “ Menjadi program studi bereputasi nasional dan internasional yang inovatif dalam pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bidang Ilmu Komputer Tahun 2034 ” Misi 1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan bidang ilmu komputer berbasis sains, teknologi dan lingkungan yang profesional, intelektual, dan bernilai islami 2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian dengan kapasitas dan kualitas internasional berbasis sains, teknologi dan lingkungan. 3. Memperkuat tata kelola dan akuntabilitas dengan meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia dalam rangka menciptakan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bermuhammadiyah 4. Menjalin kerjasama dalam pengembangan caturdharma dengan berbagai pihak ( stakeholders ) Struktur Organisasi ..... Jumlah Mahasiswa, Dosen, dan Staff TU ....... Sosial Media 1. Kegiatan ...  

Makrab Ilmu Komputer 2021